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SSGC visits Edhi Home on Eid

The Corporate Social Responsibility Section of SSGC’s Corporate Communications Department organized a visit to an Edhi Orphan Home on June 28th, 2017, with the aim of sharing happiness on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr with those lesser privileged. The visit was in continuation of the CCD’s tradition of the past two years.

What began with some dozens of uncomfortable children sitting awkwardly before a set of unfamiliar people, ended with one group consisting of delighted children, satisfied grownups and an abundance of smiles and laughter.

A captivating magic show was also arranged to entertain the children, during which most of the children were eager to take part. The SSGC management even performed some amusing dances later on, and were joined by a number of the children as well.

Many volunteers from the various departments at SSGC joined the CCD team in this kindly venture, which entailed meeting the children, playing games with them and sharing some treats with them.

The team from SSGC connected well with the family at the Edhi home, and enjoyed just as much, if not more, as the children they went there to meet. The event was described by the management team as one of the most satisfying experiences of their lives!