Keeping Company’s interest above oneself. Practicing and promoting ethical business environment. Taking effective actions if there is a deviation in behavior or situation. Being honest and living within means. |
Making positive contribution towards the achievement of SSGC’s vision. Striving for continuous improvement. Responding effectively to customer needs. Taking timely and corrective decisions. |
Building strong relationships across functional areas. Working well with all types of people and co-operating with others. Soliciting advice, sharing ideas and best practices with all stakeholders. Supporting the achievements of Company’s goals. Effectively contributing and using people’s various skills and styles. Arriving at constructive solutions while maintaining positive working relationships. Demonstrating flexibility. |
Displaying openness and consistency in applying policies and procedures. Following regulations in all aspects of operations and processes. |
Coming up with new ideas. Encouraging innovation. Promoting modified approaches. Converting ideas into actions. |
Staying abreast of changing environment that impacts our business i.e. markets, competitors, technology, customers, suppliers, employees and regulators. Creating solutions to help colleagues and team members to improve their skills and performance. Ensuring optimum utilization of resources. Balancing short and long term priorities to maximize on results. Ensuring compliance of law. |
Updated: June 30, 2020 |